Power BI With Copilot

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Get Started with Copilot for Power BI and Create Reports Faster

Ready to unlock the power of AI in your data analysis? Copilot, a new feature in Power BI Desktop, is here to help you create reports faster and easier. With Copilot's assistance, you can generate report summaries, suggest report content, and even create entire report pages based on your high-level instructions.

What You'll Need to Use Copilot:

  • Access: You'll need write access to a workspace assigned to a paid Power BI capacity (P1 or higher) or a paid Fabric capacity (F64 or higher) with Copilot enabled by your administrator.
  • Power BI Desktop: Ensure you're using the latest version of Power BI Desktop.

Getting Started with Copilot:

  1. Enable Copilot (Admin): Your administrator needs to enable Copilot in Microsoft Fabric and activate the tenant switch.
  2. Open the Copilot Pane: Click the Copilot icon in the ribbon to open the Copilot pane.
  3. Welcome and Workspace Selection: The first time you use Copilot, a dialog will appear prompting you to choose a compatible workspace. Select any workspace assigned to the required capacity.
  4. Start Your Interaction: Once you've selected a workspace, you'll see a welcome card. Click "Get started" to begin using Copilot.

How Copilot Can Help You:

  • Summarize Your Data Model: Gain a clearer understanding of your data with Copilot's summaries of your Power BI semantic model. This can help you identify key insights and streamline your report building process.

  • Suggest Report Content: Stuck on what to include in your report? Copilot can analyze your data and propose relevant topics for you to explore. From the Copilot pane, select "Suggest content for a report" to get started.
  • Create Report Pages: Save time crafting reports from scratch. Provide Copilot with a high-level prompt related to your data, and Copilot will generate a customizable report page with relevant tables, fields, measures, and charts. Here are some examples of prompts you can use:
    • Analyze performance across different shifts based on metrics like good count, reject count, and alarm count.
    • Evaluate production line efficiency and overall equipment effectiveness.
    • Compare costs, materials, and their impact on production for each product

Important Considerations:

  • The Copilot button will always be visible in the ribbon, but functionality requires signing in, admin enabled tenant settings, and workspace access as mentioned earlier.
  • The workspace you select for Copilot usage doesn't have to be the same one where you publish your report.
  • Copilot is currently in preview, and its responses are generated using AI, so always double-check your work for accuracy.
  • There are limitations for creating report pages with certain connection modes like live connect to SSAS and AAS, and real-time streaming in Power BI.

Stay Updated:

Keep an eye out for the latest Copilot enhancements by following the monthly Power BI feature summary blogs.


Embrace AI-powered report creation with Copilot and transform your data analysis workflow!

RAG live Demo with Azure and openAi

Saturday, April 6, 2024


How to use Azure Cosmos DB for Mongo DB v-Core as vector database for RAG (retrieval augmented generation ) Part 2

Sunday, March 3, 2024

 Unlocking the Power of Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) with Azure and Cosmos DB: A Comprehensive Guide (part1)


Retrieval augmented generation (RAG) is a pattern that combines a large-scale language model (LM) with a retrieval system to generate natural language responses that are relevant, diverse, and informative. The retrieval system can be a vector database that stores pre-computed embeddings of documents or passages that can be efficiently searched by similarity. In a previous article, we discussed the importance of RAG patterns in modern LM-based generative AI applications and highlighted some of the options that are available in Azure that can be used for RAG components. In this article, we will focus on one of the options, Azure Cosmos DB for Mongo DB vCore, and show how it can be used as a vector database for RAG. We will also provide some sample code to demonstrate how to store and query embeddings using Azure Cosmos DB for Mongo DB vCore.

What is a Vector Database?

vector database is specifically designed to store and manage vector embeddings—mathematical representations of data in a high-dimensional space. In this space, each dimension corresponds to a feature of the data, and tens of thousands of dimensions might be used to represent sophisticated data. These vector embeddings are used in various domains, including similarity search, recommendation systems, natural language processing, and large language models (LLMs).

Here are some key points about vector databases:

  • Vector Search: Vector databases enable efficient similarity search based on vector representations.
  • Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG): An increasingly popular use case involves integrating vector databases with LLMs to generate contextually relevant and accurate responses to user prompts. This approach overcomes token limits and reduces the need for frequent fine-tuning of updated data.

What is vector search?

Vector search lets you find items that are similar in meaning or content, not just by matching a specific field. This can help you with tasks like searching for related text, finding images that match a theme, making suggestions, or spotting outliers. To do a vector search, you need to use a machine-learning model that turns your data into vectors (lists of numbers) that capture their features. This is done by using an embeddings API, such as Azure OpenAI Embeddings or Hugging Face on Azure. Then, you compare the distance between the vectors of your data and the vector of your query. The closer the vectors are, the more similar the data is to your query.

With native vector search support, you can make the most of your data in applications that use the OpenAI API. You can also build your own solutions that use vector embeddings.

Vector Database /Index option in Azure.



Azure Cosmos DB for Mongo DB vCore

Store your application data and vector embeddings together in a single MongoDB-compatible service featuring native support for vector search.

Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL

Store your data and vectors together in a scalable PostgreSQL offering with native support for vector search.

Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL with Azure AI Search

Augment your Azure Cosmos DB data with the semantic and vector search capabilities of Azure AI Search.


  1. Azure Cosmos DB Vector Database Extension for MongoDB vCore:
    • Store your application data and vector embeddings together in a single MongoDB-compatible service.
    • Benefit from native support for vector search.
    • Avoid the extra cost of moving data to a separate vector database.
    • Achieve data consistency, scale, and performance.
    • Learn more1.
  2. Azure Cosmos DB Vector Database Extension for PostgreSQL:

    • Store your data and vectors together in a scalable PostgreSQL offering.
    • Leverage native support for vector search.
    • Seamlessly integrate vector capabilities without additional database migration costs.
    • Learn more1.

  3. Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL with Azure AI Search
    • Augment your Azure Cosmos DB data with semantic and vector search capabilities.
    • Combine the power of NoSQL with AI-driven search.
    • Enhance retrieval-augmented generation scenarios.
    • Learn more2.

Remember, vector databases play a crucial role in harnessing the potential of vector embeddings, enabling advanced search, and enhancing AI-driven applications. Choose the option that best aligns with your specific use case and requirements! 🚀

A simple and effective way to store, index, and search vector data in Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB vCore is to use the built-in vector search feature. This feature allows you to perform similarity searches on arrays of numbers, such as embeddings, using MongoDB's $vector query operator. By using this feature, you can avoid the need to move your data to more expensive vector databases and integrate your AI-driven applications smoothly with your other data.


What is Azure Cosmos DB for Mongo DB v Core?

Azure Cosmos DB for Mongo DB vCore is a fully managed, scalable, and secure service that provides API compatibility with MongoDB. It allows you to use the familiar MongoDB tools and drivers to build applications that can leverage the benefits of Azure Cosmos DB, such as global distribution, automatic scaling, and SLA-backed availability and latency. Azure Cosmos DB for Mongo DB vCore also supports MongoDB's aggregation pipeline, which enables complex queries and transformations on the data. One of the features that makes Azure Cosmos DB for Mongo DB vCore suitable for RAG is the support for MongoDB's $vector query operator, which allows you to perform similarity searches on arrays of numbers, such as embeddings.


RAG Pipeline Process

  1. Load Datastore
  2. Clean data
  3. Chunking Data
  4. Convert Chunks into vector embedding with LLM
  5. Create a Vector Index with Converted vector embeddings. 

How to use Azure Cosmos DB for Mongo DB vCore as a vector database for RAG?

To use Azure Cosmos DB for Mongo DB vCore as a vector database for RAG, you need to follow these steps:

  •   Create an Azure Cosmos DB account with API for MongoDB and select the vCore model. You can choose the number of regions, availability zones, and throughput depending on your needs. You can also enable features such as geo-fencing, encryption at rest, and role-based access control.
  •  Create a database and a collection in your Azure Cosmos DB account. You can use any schema and indexing strategy that suits your application, but you need to ensure that the field that stores the embeddings is indexed as an array. You can use the MongoDB shell or any MongoDB driver to connect to your Azure Cosmos DB account and create the database and collection.
  • Populate your collection with documents that contain the embeddings and any other metadata that you need for your RAG application. You can use any method to generate the embeddings, such as a pre-trained model or a custom model. You can also use any format to store the embeddings, such as a list or a base64-encoded string. You can use the MongoDB shell or any MongoDB driver to insert the documents into your collection. Alternatively, you can use Azure Data Factory or Azure Databricks to import data from various sources into your collection.
  • Query your collection using the $vector operator to perform a similarity search on the embeddings. You can use the MongoDB shell or any MongoDB driver to query your collection. The $vector operator takes an array of numbers as input and returns the documents that have the most similar arrays in the specified field. You can also use other query operators and aggregation stages to filter, sort, and project the results. You can integrate the query results with your LM to generate natural language responses that are relevant, diverse, and informative.

Here is some sample code that shows how to use Azure Cosmos DB for Mongo DB vCore as a vector database for RAG:




First, let's start by installing the packages that we'll need later.


 ! pip install numpy

! pip install openai
! pip install pymongo
! pip install python-dotenv
! pip install azure-core
! pip install azure-cosmos
! pip install tenacity

First, let's start by installing the packages that we'll need later.

 import json

import datetime
import time

from azure.core.exceptions import AzureError
from azure.core.credentials import AzureKeyCredential
import pymongo

import openai
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from tenacity import retry, wait_random_exponential, stop_after_attempt
from openai import AzureOpenAI

 Please use the example.env as a template to provide the necessary keys and endpoints in your own .env file. Make sure to modify the env_name accordingly.

print(openai.VERSION) #should be greater than 1.0xx

loading endpoint and secret API keys 

from dotenv import dotenv_values

# specify the name of the .env file name
env_name = "example.env" # following example.env template change to your own .env file name
config = dotenv_values(env_name)

cosmosdb_endpoint = config['cosmos_db_api_endpoint']
cosmosdb_key = config['cosmos_db_api_key']
cosmosdb_connection_str = config['cosmos_db_connection_string']

COSMOS_MONGO_USER = config['cosmos_db_mongo_user']
COSMOS_MONGO_PWD = config['cosmos_db_mongo_pwd']
COSMOS_MONGO_SERVER = config['cosmos_db_mongo_server']

openai.api_type = config['openai_api_type']
openai.api_key = config['openai_api_key']
openai.api_base = config['openai_api_endpoint']
openai.api_version = config['openai_api_version']
embeddings_deployment = config['openai_embeddings_deployment']
completions_deployment = config['openai_completions_deployment']

# Take a peek at one data item

print(json.dumps(data[0], indent=2))

{ "id": "1", "title": "Azure App Service", "content": "Azure App Service is a fully managed platform for building, deploying, and scaling web apps. You can host web apps, mobile app backends, and RESTful APIs. It supports a variety of programming languages and frameworks, such as .NET, Java, Node.js, Python, and PHP. The service offers built-in auto-scaling and load balancing capabilities. It also provides integration with other Azure services, such as Azure DevOps, GitHub, and Bitbucket.", "category": "Web", "titleVector": [ -0.0017071267357096076, -0.01391641329973936, 0.0017036213539540768, -0.018410328775644302,

Creating Open AI Client for Library 1.xx

client = AzureOpenAI(
  api_key =config['openai_api_key'],  
  api_version = "2023-05-15",
  azure_endpoint =config['openai_api_endpoint']

@retry(wait=wait_random_exponential(min=1, max=20), stop=stop_after_attempt(10))
def generate_embeddings(text):
    Generate embeddings from string of text.
    This will be used to vectorize data and user input for interactions with Azure OpenAI.
    embeddings = client.embeddings.create(input = "test", model="myembeddingmodel").data[0].embedding
    time.sleep(0.2) # rest period to avoid rate limiting on AOAI for free tier
    return embeddings

# Generate embeddings for title and content fields
n = 0
for item in data:
    title = item['title']
    content = item['content']
    title_embeddings = generate_embeddings(title)
    content_embeddings = generate_embeddings(content)
    item['titleVector'] = title_embeddings
    item['contentVector'] = content_embeddings
    item['@search.action'] = 'upload'
    print("Creating embeddings for item:", n, "/" ,len(data), end='\r')
# Save embeddings to sample_text_w_embeddings.json file
with open("./text-sample_w_embeddings.json", "w") as f:
    json.dump(data, f)

Connect and setup Cosmos DB for MongoDB vCore

Set up the connection

mongo_client = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb+srv://user:pass@xxxx.mongocluster.cosmos.azure.com/


Set up the DB and collection

# create a database called TutorialDB
db = mongo_client['ExampleDB']

# Create collection if it doesn't exist
COLLECTION_NAME = "ExampleCollection"

collection = db[COLLECTION_NAME]

if COLLECTION_NAME not in db.list_collection_names():
    # Creates a unsharded collection that uses the DBs shared throughput
    print("Created collection '{}'.\n".format(COLLECTION_NAME))
    print("Using collection: '{}'.\n".format(COLLECTION_NAME))

## Use only if re-reunning code and want to reset db and collection


Create the vector index

IMPORTANT: You can only create one index per vector property. That is, you cannot create more than one index that points to the same vector property. If you want to change the index type (e.g., from IVF to HNSW) you must drop the index first before creating a new index.


IVF is the default vector indexing algorithm, which works on all cluster tiers. It's an approximate nearest neighbors (ANN) approach that uses clustering to speed up the search for similar vectors in a dataset.

  'createIndexes': 'ExampleCollection',
  'indexes': [
      'name': 'VectorSearchIndex',
      'key': {
        "contentVector": "cosmosSearch"
      'cosmosSearchOptions': {
        'kind': 'vector-ivf',
        'numLists': 1,
        'similarity': 'COS',
        'dimensions': 1536

HNSW (preview ) you skip this

NSW is a graph-based data structure that organizes vectors into clusters and subclusters. It facilitates fast approximate nearest neighbor search, achieving higher speeds with improved accuracy. As a preview feature, you can enable HNSW using Azure Feature Enablement Control (AFEC) by selecting the “mongoHnswIndex” feature. For detailed instructions, refer to the enable preview features documentation.

Keep in mind that HNSW operates on M50 cluster tiers and higher while in preview. 🚀


Upload data to the collection

A simple insert_many() to insert our data in JSON format into the newly created DB and collection.


Vector Search in Cosmos DB for MongoDB vCore

# Simple function to assist with vector search
def vector_search(query, num_results=3):
    query_embedding = generate_embeddings(query)
    embeddings_list = []
    pipeline = [
            '$search': {
                "cosmosSearch": {
                    "vector": query_embedding,
                    "path": "contentVector",
                    "k": num_results #, "efsearch": 40 # optional for HNSW only
                "returnStoredSource": True }},
        {'$project': { 'similarityScore': { '$meta': 'searchScore' }, 'document' : '$$ROOT' } }
    results = collection.aggregate(pipeline)
    return results

query = "What are the services for running ML models?"
results = vector_search(query)
for result in results:
#     print(result)
    print(f"Similarity Score: {result['similarityScore']}")  
    print(f"Title: {result['document']['title']}")  
    print(f"Content: {result['document']['content']}")  
    print(f"Category: {result['document']['category']}\n")  


Q&A over the data with GPT-3.5

Finally, we'll create a helper function to feed prompts into the Completions model. Then we'll create an interactive loop where you can pose questions to the model and receive information grounded in your data.

#This function helps to ground the model with prompts and system instructions.

def generate_completion(prompt):
    system_prompt = '''
    You are an intelligent assistant for Microsoft Azure services.
    You are designed to provide helpful answers to user questions about Azure services given the information about to be provided.
        - Only answer questions related to the information provided below, provide 3 clear suggestions in a list format.
        - Write two lines of whitespace between each answer in the list.
        - Only provide answers that have products that are part of Microsoft Azure.
        - If you're unsure of an answer, you can say ""I don't know"" or ""I'm not sure"" and recommend users search themselves."

        {"role": "system", "content": system_prompt},
        {"role": "user", "content": user_input},

    for item in results:
        listmessages.append({"role": "system", "content": prompt['content']})
    response = client.chat.completions.create(
    model="demo35", # model = "deployment_name".
    return response.choices[0].message.content

generate_completion("Where i can host container in azure")  # test Qustion with out RAG

# Create a loop of user input and model output. You can now perform Q&A over the sample data!

user_input = ""
print("*** Please ask your model questions about Azure services. Type 'end' to end the session.\n")
user_input = input("Prompt: ")
while user_input.lower() != "end":
    results_for_prompt = vector_search(user_input)
   # print(f"User Prompt: {user_input}")
    completions_results = generate_completion(results_for_prompt)
    user_input = input("Prompt: ")

Source Code GitHub https://github.com/Usamawahabkhan/Usamawahabkhan-RAG-Azure-CosmosDb-MongoDb-vcore/blob/main/AzureOpenAI-CosmosDB-MongoDB-vCore_Tutorial.ipynb


In this article, we have seen how to use RAG, a powerful technique for generating natural language answers from large-scale text corpora, with Cosmos DB for MongoDB vCore, a fully managed and scalable database service that supports the MongoDB API. We have shown how to upload data to the collection, create a vector index, and perform vector search using PyMongo and Faiss. We have also discussed some of the benefits and challenges of using RAG and Cosmos DB for MongoDB vCore for building GenAI applications based on LLMs.

RAG is becoming an essential part of any modern GenAI app based on LLMs, as it enables generating of high-quality and diverse responses from multiple sources of knowledge. Storing data is crucial and requires security, availability and scalability, where Azure Cosmos DB can be a very valuable choice. However, there are other options available in Azure and open source, depending on the application requirements and compliance. We encourage you to explore different alternatives and find the one that suits your needs best.

 #MVPBuz #Azure #AzureCosmosDB  #MongoDBvCore #VectorDatabase #RAG #NoSQL#AIApplications #DataManagement #LLM #GenerativeAI

Free Certification Exam Offer from Microsoft

Friday, January 17, 2020

Great news came from Microsoft. Anyone who will participate as registered attendance at Microsoft Ignite tour will get a chance to give one free Microsoft Exam. Microsoft Ignite the tour is also taking place in Dubai on February 10–11, 2020 where Cloud and Data lover can find tons of awesome sessions and learning content. if you're based in UAE don't miss the chance to participate in it. I hope so see you At Ignite. guys if you have any questions about feel free to catch on twitter Usama wahab Khan

Microsoft Ignite tour Website Link for Registrations 

how to claim free exam Click here 

Eligible exams for this offer

By Product Exams
Azure AI-100: Designing and Implementing an Azure AI Solution
AZ-103: Microsoft Azure Administrator
AZ-120: Planning and Administering Microsoft Azure for SAP Workloads
AZ-203: Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure
AZ-300: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies
AZ-301: Microsoft Azure Architect Design
AZ-400: Microsoft Azure DevOps Solutions
AZ-500: Microsoft Azure Security Technologies
AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals
DP-100: Designing and Implementing a Data Science Solution on Azure
DP-200: Implementing an Azure Data Solution
DP-201: Designing an Azure Data Solution 
Dynamics 365 and Power Platform MB-200: Microsoft Power Platform + Dynamics 365 Core
MB-210: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales
MB-220: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing
MB-230: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service
MB-240: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service
MB-300: Microsoft Dynamics 365: Core Finance and Operations
MB-310: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance
MB-320: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, Manufacturing
MB-330: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
MB-400: Microsoft PowerApps + Dynamics 365 Developer
MB-500: Microsoft Dynamics 365: Finance and Operations Apps Developer
MB-600: Microsoft Power Platform + Dynamics 365 Solution Architect (exam will not be available in beta until after December 31, 2019)
MB-700: Microsoft Dynamics 365: Finance and Operations Apps Solution Architect (exam will not be available in beta until after December 31, 2019)
MB-900: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals
PL-900: Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals
Microsoft 365 MD-100: Windows 10
MD-101: Managing Modern Desktops
MS-100: Microsoft 365 Identity and Services
MS-101: Microsoft 365 Mobility and Security
MS-200: Planning and Configuring a Messaging Platform
MS-201: Implementing a Hybrid and Secure Messaging Platform
MS-300: Deploying Microsoft 365 Teamwork
MS-301: Deploying SharePoint Server Hybrid
MS-500: Microsoft 365 Security Administration
MS-600: Building Applications and Solutions with Microsoft 365 Core Services
MS-700: Managing Microsoft Teams
MS-900: Microsoft 365 Fundamentals

Terms and conditions
This exam offer is available to eligible individuals who have attended Microsoft Ignite 2019 or a Microsoft Ignite The Tour 2019-2020 event.
This exam offer may be redeemed to take one (1) Microsoft Certification exam, delivered at an authorized Pearson Vue testing center or through a Pearson Vue online proctoring site.
This exam offer is exam-specific and only redeemable for select Microsoft exams.
This exam offer is available for a period beginning the first day of the event at which you received this exam offer and expires 180 days after the last day of such event.
This exam offer entitles you to register for one (1) exam prior to the offer expiration date.
This exam offer expiration date cannot be extended under any circumstances.
This exam offer is not valid for, and may not be redeemed by, either: 1) government officials; or 2) residents of Hong Kong, Switzerland, Israel, Germany, Russia, or Sweden. *This offer is not available to government officials or residents as noted as it exceeds the limits permissible under Microsoft policy and local law.
This exam offer may only be redeemed once.
This exam offer may not be redeemed or exchanged for cash, credit or refund.
This exam offer is nontransferable and is void if you alter, revise or transfer it in any way.
This exam offer is only offered to individuals who have registered and attended an official Microsoft Ignite 2019 or Microsoft Ignite The Tour 2019-2020 event.

for more details