Monday, September 17, 2012

Dev Saturday UAE – Pilot

Out Frist Great Effort with UAE DEV Community. Thanks to All member of Dev Saturday UAE. to make this event and community. Special thanks for All Student off Khalifa University and IEEE. 




·         Dev Saturday UAE – Pilot


·         60-70 technology specialists and matter experts in different fields (most of which are Microsoft, may include some on Google or any other field of interest)


Celebrating our first official Saturday. The main purpose is to explain our group goals & initiative, and setting our future agenda and topics. The rest of the event will be an introduction to each member, a short bio and his ideas regarding the group growth and topics to be discussed in future events.

·         [09:30 am – 10:00 am] Registration and coffee

·         [10:00 am  – 10:15 am] Welcome and opening speech

o   Faculty member (Electronic & Computer Engineering)

o   IEEE Student Chapter’s president

·         [10:15 am – 10:30 am] Keynote speech will take place for 15 minutes. Speakers are:

o   Mr. Omar Rizk (CPO @ SwiftTask)

o   Mr. Usama Khan
o   Mr. Khalid Hikmat

·          [10:30 am – 12:00 pm] Discussion Panel. Panel speakers are:

o   Mr. Khaled hekmat

o   Mr. Usama Khan

o   Mr. Omar Rizk

o   Mr. Oubai Abbasi

o   Mr. Salman Khan

·         [12:00 pm – 12:30 pm] Highlighting latest web trends & Cloud computing technologies.

·         [12:30 pm – 01:00 pm] Lunch & Networking.


·         Academic Building Auditorium – 1st floot - Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi.


·         On the 15th of September 2012 - 10:00 – 1:00 AM. Lunch will be included as well as coffee and snacks.


  •   Khalifa University’s IEEE Student Chapter, Abu Dhabi Campus.
  • Dev Saturday UAE

Media Coverage:

·         Gulf news (still not confirmed)
Great Community UserGroup  Startup with Oubai Abbasi  Omar A. Rizk, Khalild,Ali.
For Future Events

FaceBook : Join US

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