Use Login Control for Custom User Authorization

Friday, November 20, 2009

1 add on new website
2 darg n drop login control

3 darg n drop logingStatus Control
4 add new database add Table tbluser

5 add two columns in Tbluser , user,password

6 double click on loginControl i will Create Authenticate Event like this
protected void Login1_Authenticate(object sender, AuthenticateEventArgs e)
7 add this code in Login1_Authenticate
8 add few temporary data in database tbluser Like username = usamawahabkhan , Password = abc
9 press five

by usama wahab khan

Silverlight Beta 4 New Feature

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Now Microsoft release Silverlight Beta 4 New and Very Useful Features. Silverlight 3.0 was have Some major problems Like Assessing Com Object Silverlight didn't Provide`s Printing Support Developer have to us
Browser Print support or any other Services another Problem when u will trying local file access But beauty of Mouse
events but Mouse wheel and right click for right click menu were absent in Silverlight 3 these are some
of Major Problem in Silverlight 3.0 .Now Silverlight come`s with all solution now in silverlight 4.0 can
access Local file , Make Print Feature enable in you Application or reporting Silverlight4.0 Provieds
PrintDocument class
PrintDocument pd = new PrintDocument(); pd.PrintPage += (s, args) =>   {       args.PageVisual = LayoutRoot;   }; pd.Print();

Silverlight 4.0 New Features

1 Network Authentication and Trusted Network Access
now Use NetWork Authentication and trusted Network Access in you application use you
Network Authentication Model in you biz applicaitons

2 COM Object Access in Trusted Applications
Till Silverlight 3.0 didn't Support COM Object But Silverlight Provide Environment like Destop App but did use any COM
Feature Now But in Silverlight 4.0 You Use COM Object or like Windows Sapi Access in Trusted Applicatoins
3.RIA Services support in Visual Studio 2010
Full Ria Services Support in vs2010 .
4.Local File Access
access any Local file on Silverlgiht application
5.Asynchronous Data Validation
data Validation another Problem in sl.30 solve in Microsoft silverlight 4.0 Beta
6.Printing API Basics
In Silverlight 3.0 Printing Classes Were Absent so there Big Problem for developer to Create Business Application in SL
Most of Practices Use Support to Enable Printing Capability In Reporting ,or other Application but the beautifully
Support of Victor Graphic and Rich Graphical Layout they can not use it Now in Silverlight 4.0 Provides Printing Class
now you can Develop Fully Printable Rich media Application IN Sliverlight .4
7.DataGrid Enhancements
8.Using Silveright Controls As Drop Targets
RichText Area is one of Most use Full Feature or web base Portals for Rich Text Data now you
can Create MsWord like Online Richtextbox in you application

10.MouseWheel API
there where lots of Solution were available
on Forums for accessing
Mouse Wheels Events Support in Silverlight but now its Easy available in SL.4
11.Right Click Mouse Events Another Silverlight Problem in Right Events
Silverlight provide Most of mouse Events
mouse down,mouse up, mousemove
but mouse right click was absent in Sl
went You RightClick silverlight
context menu Sl.04 Beta
Provide RightClick Event "Element.MouseRightButtonUp"
Now you can Create custom context menu
in SL.04 Application

12.Notification API
You can use and make Noteifica withtion log
Data Error and other Notification Come`s in Application
SL.4 beta Provide NotificationWindow class
When SL Application is Out of Browser Mode
to Show Notification We Can Use NotificationWindow class

12.BiDi and Right-to-Left Support

13.Accessing the Global Clipboard Programmatically
Programmatically access clipbard specially in Rich Media Application.
14.Using the ViewBox Control
15.Hosting HTML Content
Silverlight 4.0 Support HTML Content in Silverlight Applicatons
Before SL4.0 it Was an Issue who To Create
iframe , web Browser ,any other html now its Become Very
Easy in 4.0
string html = "
Usama wahab khanWelcoem to Silverlight 4.0 Beta
"; HtmlContent.NavigateToString(html)
Accessing Web Camera and Microphone
Access Web Cams ,Microphones to Create
Chat Room Applicaton , like Yahoo ChatRoom,Skypy
but Online on Web
So Enjoy Silverlight Beta 4 New Feature
ill Post Each Tutorial of Silverlight Beta 4 New Features
thank you
Usama Wahab Khan

Use Full Links

Linq to SharePoint 2010 Provider by Bart De Smet

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The LINQ to SharePoint project provides a custom query provider for LINQ that allows to query SharePoint lists using familiar LINQ syntax. LINQ stands for Language Integrated Query and is one of the core features of Microsoft's .NET Framework 3.5 release. its will support Custom Query Provieder that Translates Linq to CAML,the "Collaborative Application Markup Language" by SharePoint for querying by using Linq u didnt need other software to qury in caml like u2u as we know c#3.0 and 9.0 were support linq Entity Createion tool "SpMetal" to export sharepoint list definitions to entity Classes usedfor Querying and Visual Studio 2008 integration for entity Creation (a.ka SPML) make it more essay and simple you can connect sp site either using SharePoint Object Model or via the Share Point Web services Planned to Support for updating through Entity type This wonderfull Solution Invented by former Visual C# MVP, Bart De Smet now works at Microsoft Corporation on the WPF dev team in an SDE role. so enjoy enity sharepoint to linq

Updated for the alpha release
var ctx = new SharePointDataContext(new Uri("http://wss.mycompany.local"));
ctx.Log = Console.Out;
var users = ctx.GetList(ctx);

var res = from u in users
orderby u.Birthdate descending
where u.FirstName.StartsWith("B") && u.Age >= 24 && u.FavoriteFood == FavoriteFood.Pizza
select new { u.FullName, u.Age, Interest = u.AccountBalance * 0.07 };

foreach (var u in res)

SEO Support in 4.0 Matedata and Page Ruting

Friday, November 13, 2009

SEO( Search engine optimization ) is One of the Important Part for internet base Website SEO or E-Marketing is Very Important for get you site top take in Search engg:
or get more Visitor, Normally Search engines bot scan pages like\asp you site and save you meta specially Keywords . but mostly the did get dynamic pages we were crated by the help of qureystring like\MobileProduct.aspx?Product="Mobile" . Before 4.0 where were generate Metadata like Dynamic Keywords,Description,Title , for dynamic website like shopping cart there were hundreds
Product in database but u Search Engg only listed those pages those were query Now in 4.0 we had solution all of these problems we can resistor Our dynamic Pages with the help of 4.0 feature called Page Routing it has been introduce in MVC now you can use this feature in here i try to create one demo application where i had Products, Category's i will care Product page and route them and each page have dynamically generate keyword,title metadata

here u can see auto generated metadata and page routing it Product page dynamically generate from database
1. vs 2010 >New Website and named mycartapplicaiton
2. Right click on App_data folder add northwinds database from sample crate linq to sql add table and view

3. Right click on solution explorer and add two webform Product.aspx,Categories.aspx.
3 add gridview and set template like this on default.aspx

set sqldatasorce with wizard connectionstring >select columns [CategoryName], [Description], [CategoryID], [Picture] FROM table[Categories]

its will look like this

4.add gridview on categories.aspx

5. add sqldatasorce wizard for girdview ConnectionString>Select view Alphabetical list of products and columns ProductName, QuantityPerUnit, UnitPrice, UnitsInStock, UnitsOnOrder, ReorderLevel, Discontinued click on where button you will route option like this

6. product page repeat again same exercise code like this

7 add Global.asax handler add this coe in protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)

9 add this code in Product.aspx on pageload event or dynamic keyword and meatadata

10 add this code in default.aspx on pageload event or dynamic keyword and meatadata

Download SourceCode
and enjoy 4.0 or any other help contant me
By Usama wahab khan

DropDownList In GridView (CRUD) Operation and Hide Row in Girdview

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Update , Copy ,Record, Delete (CRUD) Operation Gridview in Programmability is little bit difficult but its just a few techniques game and nothing else that
like how to access edit values,add control in gridview and with data hide columns in girdview on runtime but
but column value should acesable and manymore. now in this totrial i will tell how to preform
Update , Copy ,Record, Delete (CRUD) Operation Gridview just few steps and you will do it by your selft

1 drag gridview on your form and autgeneratecolumn properties set to false

2 add 4Column type column 1,2 : boundedfield set there header and bindvalue col1 = Productid and cal2 = Productname and add 3rd column TemplateField type , 4th column command type checked update checkbox .

3 edit columns 1,2 and command columns convert on TemplateField

4 . click on gridview flag and edit template there you will see 4 columns in column 0 you have add dropdownlist .
5 select templatefooter in edittemplate add textbox in productname , dropdownlist in colum0 and label control in column productID endedittempalte
6 add database in aap_data folder form sample code
7 right click on girdview goto properties and fire three event 1 rowCreated, Rowupdateing,rowediting and past code give in sample code ;

8 add some css tag in header to hide productid

Usama Wahab Khan
any help Contant me