The SharePoint 2013 Preview platform New APIs Set

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The SharePoint 2013 Preview platform come with allot of type and development option with so much cool sets of APIs.
You have deferent type Applications for unlimited possibilities with you existing skills. Now this time you exclusive categories for SharePoint App. WebPart, SharePoint Page,SL App with in iframe. And also leverage for Client Devices  and Computers. By using Framework application you can exposed,MVC Application. Also Power shell script and timer job available on SharePoint server.
For SharePoint 2013 you don’t need to learn SharePoint Programing you directly start development with you existing skill.

  SharePoint  APIs Impalement.
  • More Web Standards (Odata,Oauth)
  • More Client Side Support 
  • Improved Rest Model and EndPoint
  • Odata URL base Query Engine 
  • OAuth Web base identity system. 
  • Mobile Templates. 

  Type of APIs this SharePoint comes.

·         JavaScript (Browser base Client site programing with jquery)
·         Strong Support of javascript Client object Model with inline script and js.file.
·         All functionality is available for javascript same as like .net Framework and Silverlight client object model.
·         By using SharePoint 2013 Javascript Api  you can also do Custom.  It’s really help for developer for creating  sharepoint app with JavaScript SharePoint API because they can use Custom which is not allowed in server side coding.

ASP.NET  (for Sever side Programing include you try MVC this time)

REST/OData  (More web standard for Developer play with SharePoint object in their application with rest endpoint which exposed by  Wcf dataservice. With OData standards and strong Brower base querys synx   )
WFC Data Service Reference
Rest vs OOP
.NET Framework or Silverlight object models
JavaScript object model
REST/OData endpoints called from a Windows platform or JavaScript
Object-oriented programming
Batch processing
APIs for conditional processing and exception handling
Availability of LINQ syntax
Combining list data from different SharePoint web applications
Familiarity to experienced REST/OData developers
Similarity to non-Windows programming or JavaScript programming
Strong typing for list item fields
No (except with LINQ)
Yes, from Windows platform
No, from JavaScript
Leveraging jQuery, Knockout, and other JavaScript libraries
No, from Windows platform
Yes, from JavaScript
.NET Framework (strong Object Model with the Power of C#,,linq)

Windows Phone (out of the Box Support with new Template ,Push notification)
Rest OData and OAuth Support.

Silverlight (end to end Application Support with  Client OBJECT Model API. )

Windows PowerShell (for automation and administrative tasks for Server help for sp admins)

SharePoint Server 2013 Preview Installation for Standalone Machine (dev)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My First Installtion for SharePoint Server 2013 Preview for Development environment. But i have few issue like similar to sharepoint 2010 Beta. show i would like to Share and hope you can also same time. 

Per installation Check:


Software (not Required except SQL SERVER BUT FOR DEVELOPMENT I INSTALL VS2012)

Check Server Role

Developer will love to .net 4.5 feature in SharePoint 2013 so its Important :)

Runt SharePoint 2013 Perrequisiteinstaller.exe

Per-requisite Software has been installed and Configured

Run SharePoint 2013 Setup.exe
After the of Completion of basic installation 

SharePoint Product Configuration started 

Chose  New Server Option

If Configuration Failed on Creation and Configuration of database and Give Error some like that.

 Failed to connect to the configuration database.
An exception of type System.Management.Automation.CmdletInvocationException was thrown.  Additional exception information: ErrorCode:SubStatus:Service running under Network Service account in workgroup environment is not supported.​ 

If you running Application without AD or Stand Alone might you will received that error.
   Go to Sql Server Management Studio
 >loacl/SharePoint (Instance)>security>Login>Administrator>Properties>ServerRole> and Check setadmin.

then go to Startmenu>SharePoint Power Shell>Execute this Command blow to for psconfig to
AppFabric Caching Service and Sql Server Agent to on these server on server.

psconfig.exe -cmd Configdb Create SkipRegisterAsDistributedCacheHost
Then Run Again the SharePoint Product Configuration.
Error No 2
Might be You got another Error 

 Failed to connect to the configuration database.
An exception of type System.Management.Automation.CmdletInvocationException was thrown.  Additional exception information: ErrorCode:SubStatus:Service running under Network Service account in workgroup environment is not supported.​ 

SEARCH Application Service Error like SharePoint 2010 Beta 

but you see new instance of SharePoint Administration is working fine.

to See the error that you face in Product config. check Centeral Administration Services >Applications> Search Service Applicaiton you can see its stoped and show error.

First Time Ruining SharePoint 2013 Root Site(Team Site)

Hope you this article will help you install SharePoint 2013 it quit bit same experience like i had in SharePoint 2010 beta. enjoy SharePoint keep SharePointing.....................

Reference Link
Prepare for installation

more Reference

By Usama Wahab Khan. 

SharePoint 2013 Office 356 First deep jump

Monday, July 23, 2012

Office 365 is really amazing with beautiful Metro UI experience and new Feature like App Part,Flow,OAuth is great.Full Cloud support and Office app,App Store.  Here few details about changes in SharePoint 2013 (Office 365) (Team Site ) (Public Site)

Mysite office 365 (SharePoint 2013)

New Metro UI and almost same like 2010

team site (SharePoint 2013)

New metro live tiles and easy access for contents. share others, team site

task and calenders (SharePoint 2013)

public wiki site (SharePoint 2013)

oauth (SharePoint 2013)
SharePoint 2013 introduce new identity architecture based on oauth 

soical plug in (SharePoint 2013)

sharepoint App Store (SharePoint 2013)

after success of windows phone finally microsoft introduce apps store sharepoint 2013 publish apps and also used them in share point application with new social application management system.

new task list (SharePoint 2013)

drag and drop image uploader (SharePoint 2013)

site editing (SharePoint 2013)
improved UI and new slides effects ribbion is very nice

new metro popup (SharePoint 2013)

creating box (SharePoint 2013)

save doc in word (SharePoint 2013)

site contents(SharePoint 2013)

calender (SharePoint 2013)

People (SharePoint 2013)

site settings (SharePoint 2013)

(Central Administration) SharePoint 2013

info-Path (Central Administration) SharePoint 2013

User Profile (Central Administration) SharePoint 2013

BCS (SharePoint 2013)

term Store (Manage Search TAXONOMY ) (SharePoint 2013)

Source Store (Central Administration) SharePoint 2013 office 365
manage your credentials source service

SharePoint App form App Store (SharePoint 2013)