Speaking at Online Webinar on PowerBI Join us

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Join us  on  23rd March - Big Day 
Join Usama Wahab Khan Yousfzai (MVP & MCT)
Register the Informative Power BI Session. ( everything you need to know about PowerBI)
Linke : http://1drv.ms/1TA433N
Session Mode: Skype for Business (Online)
Date : 23 march 2016
Time: 8pm to 9:30pm

I am Speaking At SharePoint Saturday Paris 2016

Friday, March 11, 2016

I am Proud to announce that I am  Speaking at SPS Paris 2016. I`ve been really honoured to been selected by SPS Paris Team among the top International speakers. my session will focus on Microsoft PowerApps under the title of SharePoint Forms Evolution. 

About SharePoint Saturday Paris 2016.

Administrateurs SharePoint, utilisateurs, architectes, développeurs, et autres professionnels travaillant sur les technologies et associées comme:

  •  ​
Nous vous donnons rendez-vous le 28 mai 2016 à la Tour Montparnasse, 33 Avenue du maine, 75015 Paris pour le SharePoint Saturday Paris 2016.​​
SharePoint administrators, end users, architects, developers, and other 
professionals that work with Microsoft  and associated technologies like: 

Please join us on May 28th 2016 at the Montparnasse Tower located at 33 Avenue du maine, 75015 Paris, for the​ SharePoint Saturday Paris 2016.​

Need complementary information about the event? You can reach us by sending an email to: spsparis@outlook.com​