District government Hyderabad has launched HYDERABAD GIS Application On Web and Govt Depts . Hyderabad Gis Is Pakistanis `s Frist Online Gis Application . Hyderabad is First City in Pakistan who adopt Latest Gis Technology . Which will help in Planning , Development and Water , Sewerage & Drainage Management ,health , Eduction , Transportation ,in Hyderabad
Now District government Hyderabad also launch Hydeabadgis.com for Public and Hyderabad Google with 3d Google with Silverlight first time in world
this hole application is design In Silverlight and my Self Usama Wahab Khan and i am the team lead of hyderabad gis application Now hyderabad gis application is going to deploy in
other department of hyderabad govt
and other
application is design on latest technology called silverlight
Applicaiton features:
Map zooming
Map Panning
Map Print on high Scale and resolution's Image
User authentication
Measurement tool to calculate distance and area on map
find address
find plot
info tool
info landmark
map overview
save Book mark and map
and more
In this Project i used Silverlight 3.0 tech for gis and mapping technology